The best simulation game with the best open-world realistic gameplay and driving experience is Police Real Chase Car Simulator. Despite the difficulty of the assignments, you can join in on the fun and constantly practice driving and pull off spectacular tricks. In order to become an expert in this game, it is important to learn how to maneuver through regular traffic while completing assignments. As you proceed, you'll finish the incredible task and maneuver your police cruiser through a variety of paths between the structures. In one of the best free vehicle driving simulator games, show off your incredible driving abilities and awesome stunt driving!
W -Accelerate
S -Backward
A -Steer Left
D -Steer Right
C -Change Camera
R -Reset Car
Space – Jump
L -Shift – Sprint / Nitro
M -Map
F -Car Enter/Exit
I -Instructions
P/Esc -Pause
H -Police Siren
Q -Roll
E -Inventory
Z -Missions
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